Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Engineering, Postgraduate Faculty, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta 11650, Indonesia.


The industry under study is a company in the field of making Speaker, Megaphone and Amplifier. In this study, the Thoshiba IS 350 GS 350 Ton machine has observed. Constraints such as when producing machine Speaker Parts produce high reject products up to 7% of the total monthly production. When operating the machine often experiences downtime due to damage to the engine. Damage causes high employee overtime due to having to pursue production targets and the costs to be incurred by the company can reach Rp. 3 billion per month. Evaluation is done by calculating Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and comparing with OEE before repairs. Furthermore, discussed the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Injection molding machine contained in the six big losses and other problems where the method of analysis with fishbone diagrams. After that, the discussion was conducted using the analysis of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to identify and analyze potential failures and their consequences. From the results of the observation, the main cause of damage to the Thoshiba IS 350 GS 350 Ton machine is the low Performance Rate with an average value of 63.5% in April 2018, this is caused by the value of Reduced Speed Losses that have the biggest contribution in six big losses with a loss of 86.9 hours which results in the Thoshiba IS 350 GS 350 Ton Machine not working optimally.


Main Subjects

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