Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.


The airline industry plays a fundamental role in the economic and social development of societies and it also has an important impact on improving foreign trade. The airline industry is one of the main infrastructures for sustainable development of the country. The quality of the reverse engineering service of the airline industry will be effective in increasing the safety and health of structures, reducing the impact of disasters and reducing costs. The airline industry needs its own defined models to measure the quality of service which has the ability to assess the quality of the services of this industry. Purpose of this research is to present a developed SERVQUAL model to assess the quality of services in the air industry. The Developed Reverse Logistic Airline Service Quality (RL AIRQUAL) model was a descriptive and cross-sectional analysis of reverse-customer support services of six organizational units of the air industry company using a 35-item questionnaire with standard 5-point Likert scale and adjusted SERVQUAL in eight dimensions of tangibility, reliability, assurance, empathy, responsiveness, safety and security, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty dimensions. Data were analyzed by paired t-test using SPSS software. Based on the determination of reverse service support quality, the responsiveness had the highest gap and safety and security had the lowest gap. The results can be used to assess the competitive position of the organization and identifying opportunities for improving the airline industry. With the help of the results of the modified model evaluation, applicable and suitable solutions can be developed to improve customer satisfaction.


Main Subjects

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