
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

2 Department of Management,University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


To achieve the business goals, projects must be accurately done by project-based organizations. So, the aware of project performance is vital for this type of organizations. Given the projects play an important role in the development of any society, so the use of the best ways to implement, is very important. One of the most important methods employed is agile project management .method that the purpose of the application of this approach is delivering value to the employer. The employer in this project plays an important role. The contractor will also have an important role in the implementation of projects, knowledge of the perceptions of the employer and contractor project management agility standards play an important role in improving implementation of the projects. The purpose of this paper is that examine the criteria for agile project management, then compare it with the traditional method. Therefore, evaluates the projects in Foolad Technique according to perception of contractors and employer of the criteria for agile project management agility using MCDM. From 6 project which studying in Foolad Technique, project of Foundation equipment Abarkooh rolling Hall, received the highest level of priority based on perception of contractors and employers. The managers can increase and estimate the agility level of their organization through knowing and using these criteria.


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